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Flare for Walkure - Printable Version

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Flare for Walkure - herroberst - 02-28-2007

Your emails are automatically forwarded to my deleted file but I will just look for them there every night... weird, none of my protections say anything is wrong.

I am not receiving Landser34's emails at all.

But the other 20 or so opponents emails are coming in fine.

RE: Flare for Walkure - Walkure - 02-28-2007


I know you got the last one because i got the received receipt. So i'm waiting on your last. BTW i will return your turn the same day. so if you don't have something from me. then i didn't get it. I also ran Norton and Lavasoft and it tell me that everything is just fine. maybe your Comp has it in for me.Cry


RE: Flare for Walkure - herroberst - 02-28-2007

No problem, I just didn't know it was going to delete file before.

RE: Flare for Walkure - mntineer - 02-28-2007

That might be the same problem you're having with me -- I got your last email, and I've resent you my last move, but I haven't heard anything from you yet. The file you should've received from me was #13.

herroberst Wrote:Your emails are automatically forwarded to my deleted file but I will just look for them there every night... weird, none of my protections say anything is wrong.

I am not receiving Landser34's emails at all.

But the other 20 or so opponents emails are coming in fine.

RE: Flare for Walkure - Landser34 - 02-28-2007

Hi I Have been sending you emails from my regular account and my gmail account for several days now receive all emails from all other games have no idea what problem can be

RE: Flare for Walkure - Walkure - 02-28-2007

I send you the file Zipped again see if that helps.


RE: Flare for Walkure - RedDevil - 02-28-2007

I haven't heard from you in a while either Juan, have you blackballed me too? :)

RE: Flare for Walkure - Fubar - 02-28-2007

If anyone wants to try Googlemail just shout....it may help solve some of these problems, you never know. ;)



RE: Flare for Walkure - Walkure - 02-28-2007

Randy i think i'm waiting on you, last i heard from you. you were going on vacation. having fun while some of us had to keep our noses to the gring. Besides why would i blackball you, i need the wins..................Eek


RE: Flare for Walkure - RedDevil - 02-28-2007

I've been back all weekend, sent you a file yesterday, will resend again..
you need all the help you can get, which is why I play with 1 mouse button behind my back when we tango... :P