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Allied player for Waterloo scenario ( closed )
08-28-2018, 12:50 AM, (This post was last modified: 08-29-2018, 06:53 AM by Tom Moore.)
Opponent Needed  Allied player for Waterloo scenario ( closed )
Bonjour Mis Amis,

                I am looking to engage an Allied player in an altered scenario of Campaign Waterloo. The major alteration is in stacking limits They are 1050 infantry and 350 cavalry which reflect a more realistic battlefield. The lower limits eliminate the specter of 1000 heavy charging cavalry rampaging over everything like a battalion of tanks. Second, the lower infantry limit allows brigades and divisions to deploy more easily in depth over a larger frontage. It all so makes a single battalion a credible defensive force in a hex.

            I have fought over a dozen games using the lower limits and found it makes for a much more realistic fight. I will be glad to provide the necessary files which will not affect stock files.

            I would like to play one of the following Campaign Waterloo scenarios. They are #'s 044, 006 and 007. I would like to exchange 3+ turns per week. If interested please send courier to my HQ.

          Respectfully ,

           von Mohr
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08-28-2018, 05:00 AM, (This post was last modified: 08-28-2018, 05:01 AM by geoff.)
RE: Allied player for Waterloo
I'm willing. If the objective is realism than I'd point out only 100 cavalry in two ranks would be actually charging a 100 meter sector at a time in Napoleonics. If you tried to format the game realistically than you'd need to have a gentleman's agreement on limitations of the rules for how much can melee and fire at once. The greatest impediment would be frustratingly slow game play.
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