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02-02-2008, 01:55 AM, (This post was last modified: 04-01-2008, 03:46 AM by PoorOldSpike.)
[Image: WPDKX.png]


Der Kuenstler----beat POS 79-21 (Major win, margin 58)
Pak Paule -------beat POS 76-24 (Major win, margin 52)
Figo-------------beat POS 73-27 (Major win, margin 46)
Andre-----------beat POS 70-30 (Tac win, margin 40)
Willow-----------beat POS 68-32 (Tac win, margin 36)
Bert Blitzkrieg---beat POS 63-37 (Minor win, margin 26)
Raz Atoth-------beat POS 62-38 )Minor win, margin 24)
Stndrtnfhr-------beat POS 62-38 (Minor win, margin 24)
Mugger----------beat POS 61-39 (Minor win, margin 22)
Dogface---------beat POS 60-40 (Minor win, margin 20)
RNL Tiger--------beat POS 58-42 (Minor win, margin 16)
Jobu-------------beat POS 55-45 (Draw, margin 10)
Risnervich-------beat POS 54-46 (Draw, margin 8)

Below in alphabetical order
POS bt Airborne Bob
POS bt Bertram
POS bt CMant
POS bt Combat Wombat
POS bt DasTiger
POS bt Dolphin
POS bt Herrbixx
POS bt Herroberst
POS bt Huzaar
POS bt Kru
POS bt Mad Baron
POS bt Odies
POS bt Owl
POS bt Panzer Dan
POS bt Proniakin
POS bt Ratzki
POS bt Seel
POS bt Sempai
POS bt Skilgannon



POS Played 32, Won 19, Lost 13

Armour losses
POS = lost 141 out of 214 bought (66% loss rate)
OPPOS = lost 147 out of 206 bought (71% loss rate)


OPPONENTS German purchases (figures in brackets indicates number destroyed)
27 x Hetzer (22)
17 x Panther (13)
15 x PzIVH (12)
11 x PzIVJ (8)
7 x PzIV/70 (7)
6 x mg-halftracks (5)
3 x Kingtiger (3)
3 x Tiger (3)
10 x Stug (8)
2 x Brummbar (2)
2 x Grille (2)
2 x 75 long 8-wheeler (0)
2 x 20mm 8-wheeler (1)
1 x Puma (1)
1 x 20mm halftrack (0)

OPPONENTS Russian purchases
54 x T-34/85 (33)
23 x SU-76 (16)
13 x SU-100 (6)
6 x Stalin (4)
1 x mg-carrier (1)

POS German purchases
76 x Pz IVH (54)
11 x Hetzer (10)

POS Russian purchases
120 x T-34/85 (75)
5 x SU-100 (2)
1 x SU-76 (0)

[Image: Resting-gers.jpg]

[Image: russ-rest.jpg]
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02-02-2008, 03:54 AM,
Uhum...tap tap - is this on? Wow - what can I say...I...I...really never expected to be here...(sniff)...such pain in my childhood...so much to overcome...the fat kid with the glasses everybody picked on...I'd like to first of all thank all the little people who made this possible...the makers of "Stratego" and "Axis and Allies" - table games that made me aware of what I really wanted to do with my life - dominate people in a made-up world. Thanks to the makers of "Panzer General" who turned me on to computer wargames. I remember the many dark years of frustration as my shelves filled up with disappointing wargame titles until I finally stumbled upon "Combat Mission" - the King of wargames. Thank you Battlefront. Thank you Mom and Dad - I'm sure this is what you raised me for. Thanks America - for giving me the wealth and freedom to slack off. Thanks divorce - for all the extra freetime. And thanks to all you evil blitz sharks (you know who you are!) that nailed me when I first joined this club and made me the hard-nosed player I am today.

Most of all thanks, POS - for all the work you did putting on this competition - it truly brought some life back to the club!
"Most sorts of diversion in men, children, and other animals, are in imitation of fighting." - Jonathan Swift
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02-02-2008, 10:29 AM,
I second that. Thanks POS for some very entertaining game, and a very fun tournament. I'm looking forward to the next one! And congrats to DK. Well done.
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02-02-2008, 01:13 PM,
On behalf of the Great State of Florida, I demand a recount!!
"A bad plan is still better than no plan at all." -- Mikhail Tal[Image: pzV.jpg]
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02-02-2008, 05:34 PM, (This post was last modified: 02-15-2008, 11:40 AM by PoorOldSpike.)
willow Wrote:I'm looking forward to the next one!

Psst mate, between you and me here's a sneak preview and preliminary blurb of the next one which I'm still working on, I expect to launch it in the usual blaze of publicity here at Blitz around mid-Feb

[Image: Trid.png]

It'll be a 2000-pt fictional QB ME to the same format as Malitz, using my stunning new map below with Unrestricted purchase (ie players can spend everything on infantry if they like)
It'll be CMAK May 45 so the Brits/USA will at last have a good choice of excellent armour.
As you see, it's divided into 3 individual sectors (City/ Mixed Countryside/ Heavy Woods, hence the name 'Trident'), and each sector is isolated from the others by impassable rivers with wooded banks.

Therefore, whatever forces a player assigns to a sector must operate there the whole game because it's impossible to hop into other sectors or even get LOS into them (except for aircraft) how kool is that..

Therefore the choice facing each player before the start is not only what forces to buy, but whether to commit them to just 1 sector, 2 sectors, or all 3 sectors, and in what proportion per sector.
(In fact nobody would want to risk committing everything to just one sector with its 3 flags because that'd mean he'd be handing the other 2 sectors and their 6 flags to his opponent on a platter if his oppo had gone for those)
Most people will therefore no doubt go for at least 2 sectors..

[Image: Tri-map.png]

It'll be open to the whole CM community from all clubs and will run for the usual 6 weeks, deadlining midnight March 31st with the usual hallowed silver trophy at the end of it..
Hey Spart, you'll fight like an animal!

"Grrr...I'm not an animal!
[Image: spart-anim.jpg]

"Looks like yer shoulda stuck to Sudoku Jack"
[Image: spart-throat.jpg]
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02-02-2008, 09:36 PM, (This post was last modified: 02-02-2008, 10:03 PM by PoorOldSpike.)
Jobu88 Wrote:On behalf of the Great State of Florida, I demand a recount!!

You certainly had bad luck mate and I'm partly responsible for it by suggesting a ceasefire, but you beat me anyway..:)
I assumed before you agreed to one that you'd get your units into final position near the flags before hitting the ceasefire button, but you hit it before you'd done that, and as a result your infantry were still in mid-ford and a bit too far away from a small flag to capture it and it ended in a draw (in ladder terms. But you still beat me in Malitz terms)
Owning the flag would have got you a minor ladder win at least.
We both learnt a lot from that episode, namely that before agreeing to a ceasefire we should make sure our units are in flag-control positions, and only THEN hit the button.
My fault of course for not reminding you at the time..
Here's the endgame pic to illustrate it for everybody, your group of Russki inf are wading the river at top left near a small flag but are not quite near enough to turn it red. I've got a single squad in woods near it,so it stays neutral.

[Image: JobL.png]
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02-02-2008, 11:25 PM,
Yes POS,

Thank you for organizing this mini tournament. Great game, nice map. As you, as no other, found out, very many different lines of approach possible !

DK, congratulations with your victory ! As I'm finding out, no fluke !

POS, perhaps a little early, but count me in in the Trident Tournament !!
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02-03-2008, 12:31 AM,
No worries buddy, just an inside joke for those of us who have to suffer through a presidential election for another 9 months.

Looking forward to the next tournament as well.
"A bad plan is still better than no plan at all." -- Mikhail Tal[Image: pzV.jpg]
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02-13-2008, 03:10 PM,
My trophy came in the mail today for winning this competition - I was impressed. It's very nice - not cheap. Big and heavy - not plastic - shiny silver and has my name on it with "Winner - Malitz CM competition". Very nice - Thanks again, POS!

I know whoever wins Trident will enjoy their trophy.
"Most sorts of diversion in men, children, and other animals, are in imitation of fighting." - Jonathan Swift
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02-14-2008, 12:50 PM, (This post was last modified: 02-14-2008, 12:51 PM by PoorOldSpike.)
Der Kuenstler Wrote:..shiny silver and has my name on it with "Winner - Malitz CM competition"..

Yes mate, trophies are forever, so if the earth explodes in some future cataclysm, these cups with the winners names on them will be in the expanding debris field flying out beyond the stars a thousand years from now..

"What are they Commander?"
"Probes bearing the names of honourable ancient warriors"

[Image: Artifacts.png]
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