I had the exact same problem. I fixed it somehow by right clicking the CMBB folder and allowing full read/write access to the folder and sub folders. Sorry I dont remember exactgly how I did it. Windows 7 puts restrictions on programs put in the "Program Files (x86)" area. Later I had to reinstall everything and found the best solution is to install the program elsewhere, for example in your Documents folder.
Also I ended up right clicking the exectuible and checking "run as administrator, and also checking compatibility mode to Windows XP.
Also I have and highly recommend the CMBB Vista patch, as you will no longer need the game CD after licensing through the web one time.
(07-03-2010, 10:24 PM)Hughen Tanken de Tote Wrote: :mad:
I have a new system. It came with Windows 7 home premium. Any chance anyone can tell me how to get the Combat Mission games ( Afrika Corps, Barbarosa to Berlin and Beyond Overlord ) to work right in that operating system. I tried ( I think ) compatability mode and it made some issues okay but I still can't load e-mail saved files and everytime I shutdown all the PBEM folders dissapear!
ANy help would be greatly appreciated.
Hughen Tanken de Tote.