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NATO, WAPA and the indefensibility of LandJut in NGP and D85
11-05-2008, 09:37 AM,
RE: NATO, WAPA and the indefensibility of LandJut in NGP and D85
The Divisional Artillery of the Jutland Division:

"24. Artilleriafdeling/Sønderjyske Artilleriregiment" (SJAR) (24th Artillery Battalion/South Jutland Artillery Regiment). A Battalion of 24 1950s vintage ex-US 155mm M114 guns organized in 3 batteries of 8 howitzers each. Manned by a small cade in peacetime and by recently trained 9 month conscripts and reserve officers and NCOs upon mobilization. Thus it should be rated as "D". Not WMD capable. Should be classed as "Unreliable". Stats for this weapon can be found in the Israeli OOB for the 1967 in ME67 (no DPICM bought untill the late 1980s to complement the newly upgraded M114/39s and M109a3s).

"18. og 19. Tunge Haubits Batteri/Nørrejyske Artilleriregiment" (NJAR) (18th and 19th Heavy Howitzer Battery/North Jutland Artillery Regiment). Two independent batteries of 4 M115 203mm Ex-US towed Howitzers of 1950s vintage. Should be amalgamated into a single 8 gun unit for management purposes (don´t want too many small units crowding the picture, do we?). WMD capable (that was the entire reason behind keeping these clunkers around...). Should be classed as "Unreliable". Manned by a small cade in peacetime and by recently trained 9 month conscripts and reserve officers and NCOs upon mobilization. Thus it should be rated as "D".

"14. Luftværnsafdeling/Sønderjyske Artilleriregiment (SJAR) (14th Anti-Air Battalion/South Jutland Artillery Regiment). Consisted of 3 "Let Luftværnsraketbatteri" (LLVRBT) (Light Anti-Air Rocket Battery) of 12 REDEYE lauchers each. A battery was attached to each brigade and these weapons are thus included in the intrinsic AA value of these units. Also had a 4th battery consisting of 12 40mm BOFORS L/60 semi-radar guided guns of 1950s vintage plus a close in AA platoon of 4 towed M55 .50 Quad AAMGs. As for the stats for this unit they will have to be worked out based on the above. Unit should also be classed as "Unreliable". Manned by a small cade in peacetime and by recently trained 9 month conscripts and reserve officers and NCOs upon mobilization. Thus it should be rated as "D" (The REDEYE Batteries were manned by enlisted men on running contracts though). Meant to guard rear area and divisional HQ while the REDEYEs were up front with the brigades. If this unit is too small to warrant inclusion i the game its effects might be represented by jacking up the intrinsic AA of the divisional artillery and divisional HQ by 1-2 points each and enlarging their AA radius to 1 Hex.

(posting now to prevent loss)
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RE: NATO, WAPA and the indefensibility of LandJut in NGP and D85 - by JDR Dragoon - 11-05-2008, 09:37 AM

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