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NATO, WAPA and the indefensibility of LandJut in NGP and D85
12-15-2008, 12:04 AM,
RE: NATO, WAPA and the indefensibility of LandJut in NGP and D85
Hans Boersma Wrote:Thanks again. Would JGK be this unit's military acronym or would it be something different?

JGK would be it, yes.

Quote:Do you have information on actual strength in 1985, sub-units?

No idea. It was all very hush-hush (still is to a large degree. In 2005 they let slip that the current number was 136 persons serving in the unit, but this also includes non-operative older "Jægere" serving as parachute riggers or in staff and training functions. Like all good SF units it is "inbred" as hell :cheeky:). They operate in 4-6 man patrols as the basic unit, with any number of patrols and independent specialists (snipers etc.) forming a "platoon". I picked 25 as a largely arbitrary number based on an educated guess and on the size of other SF subunits in the game (british SAS platoon: 25, US Army SF platoon: 24)

Quote:I'd overlooked D/23 SAS, but interestingly it's not used in the grand scenario.

Strange. In my DF 85 "West Germany Invaded HTH" scenario (the BIG one) the 23rd SAS shows up (100%) on the 10th of June at 12.00 hours at hex 158,160 (eastern suburbs of Bad Oyenhausen). It is a 100 man unit split into 4x25 subunits. Strangely enough it arrives by Paradrop of all things ;)

Quote:What I'm asking myself is how stealthy/deceptional say 1-3 transport helicopters can be. And in general I see a problem with heli-borne infantry in the game having their transport helicopters at hand all the time, even for tactical movement. The longer the scenario is, the more unlikely this becomes. The only other option, as far as I can see, is to drop them by helicopter (helicopter reinforcement) and leave them to their (probably undesirable) fate as foot or motorized infantry — which is even more "unfair". It would certainly be nice to have transport helicopters as a seperate unit type, being able to load airborne infantry...

Yeah. But don´t forget that a "Deception" capable leg infantry unit arriving as helicopter reinforcement can immediately go into "Deception" mode.
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RE: NATO, WAPA and the indefensibility of LandJut in NGP and D85 - by JDR Dragoon - 12-15-2008, 12:04 AM

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