I think most would have concerns about the secrecy of any new club.
If you are proud of what you do why hide your name behind a cloak of mystery?
Here at The Blitz, and all of the other gaming clubs I have seen, the names of the owners are listed. The server info is not blocked. And, the club rejects people for cheating or being "generally obnoxious" (dismissing after proof of cheating or the inability to be civil). The Blitz has rules that govern all equally (if equally and fairly dispensed by the officers entrusted with it)?
The new club has a "dictator" that hides behind a cloak of arrogance, choosing who is good enough to belong, and depends on himself to "rule" with no rules other than what he "feels" will be the rules?
Ivan was refused membership based on what? What was written on another club's forum. What rule could he have broken? Was posting at another club "un-gentlemanly"? Did "The Master" sit among the inner circle and titter over the rejection of Ivan? LOL!
Here, "gentlemen" abide by rules and can have heated discussion. There "gentlemen" can only discuss under the watchful eye of the "dictator", with the implication that heat may be "un-gentlemanly", and the member be dismissed or rejected at his whim.
I think The Blitz has a fine balance.
I'm all for new clubs that offer many the right to belong and help grow the games they support.
I am against exclusive clubs that set a higher bar than they should, based upon the whim of the one who created it.
It is kind of like a religious cult. All eyes and attention fixed on the leader. Follow the cult leader, obey him, and the "cool aid" will come only much later.
I'm not against the new club. I'm just against the way it is being set up.
Here, at The Blitz, all eyes are focused on the gaming. It is a gaming club after all?
(My name is Ed and it is included in my profile. Most honest members have their names listed, including the officers of the club?)