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The Next Main Event
03-19-2009, 07:05 AM,
RE: The Next Main Event
I usually never Lobby for anyone, especially people who give me a headache each time I challenge him to a QB and he barely wins due to luck!

On a serious note, I have been playing CM for some time now and the person I usually get the opportunity to play against via TCP is M1A1, that sob is always online and ready to fight, he is a great candidate for the Main Event and deserves a spot in the tourney - I mean seriously, look at this guys record and tell me that he is not worthy of playing in this competition.

Anyway, I consistently lurk the Blitz Forums and whenever I come across this specific thread I ask myself "Why isn't that personal pain in the a** not playing in this event!?

Give him a slot and see who wins!
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03-19-2009, 07:43 AM,
RE: The Next Main Event
I will put my vote in for M1A1 too. Avid player, good tactics, and time to play the game.
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03-19-2009, 10:59 AM,
RE: The Next Main Event
Well, do to some not being interested and others failing to respond and to get this on the go asap, as well as by popular demand. I will anounce the two players as :

jawsconan vs M1A1

I will get things started right away and we can start the match.
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03-19-2009, 11:03 AM,
RE: The Next Main Event
I agree that M1A1 is a tough opponent with a fantastic turn around rate. I have also played JawsConan and he is a worthy opponent too. Should be a good fight.
Too bad that Swamp could not be located. I would have loved to see M1A1 put the putty to him!:smoke:
Lord Bane (FGM)
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03-19-2009, 12:15 PM,
RE: The Next Main Event
YUpiiiiiii...i'm IN....THANKS GUYS!!!
I will try to make this a great game...cheers
let me know what do i need to do, besides playing..taking screen shots?comments?etc...

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03-19-2009, 01:05 PM,
RE: The Next Main Event
The files have been sent, both players notified so things are under way. I will start a new thread in the Main Event section and we will be under way.
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03-19-2009, 04:50 PM,
RE: The Next Main Event
I think i got it
i will asset the situation and send it to you
send me pls a link to the new thread that you are about to open(when u will do it of course).It will be necessary to take screen shots? etc ..
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03-19-2009, 05:12 PM,
RE: The Next Main Event
No need to take any screen shots, as you both will be giving me your passwords and sending me all the turns as you complete them. I will look through and put together the screenshots. The two players will not be reading the thread on the game untill after the game is complete. Kind of an honour thing.Eek
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03-19-2009, 05:19 PM,
RE: The Next Main Event
Holy Jesus !
yeah, it figures..not to see your opponent, etc ...
I sent you my file
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03-24-2009, 03:51 PM,
RE: The Next Main Event
I would like to offer an alternative solution.

Mad_Dog and I have spent considerable time constructing a workable CM operation. The Campaign chosen was Gazala Libya 1942 (Tobruk).

I will briefly describe the mechanics involved and if interested I will elaborate. In its simplest form:

The key to making this work is the battlefield coordinator (me for the 1st few).

There are 2 Commanders each dictating the tactics of the campaign.

They have the order of battle

The fixed positions and mobile forces at 2100 May 26, 1942.

I provide the Commander with a map of where all his forces are located.

The map is an old school hexagon battle map (each hex numbered). Each hex is 3000m by 3000m.

Each Commander assigns officers to major forces in the theatre.

The commanders have the map, the units, the officers for the units, and the goals.

The Commanders can move the units per turn. This information goes to the Battlefield coordinator.

The Battlefield Coordinator will report to the Commanders what their recon units air/ground were able to locate.

When the forces move into the same hex the Battlefield Coordinator selects that hex map and sets up a setup zone depending on which direction they entered and the time and sends it to the two commanders of those units.

They than set up their units, start a battle, or 1 side may decide to retreat.

Our system has not been tested but there is not much to test, you moved 50 tanks here 100 there and fought a battle. Dead units do not regenerate they stay dead. Although Elite Tank crews can reenter in a reinforcement tank, if saved from death.

The Battlefield Coordinator will place the reinforcements as per history.

The fuel/ammo supply is handled by “when the next battle starts all units enter supplied.”

This works quite well but limits the “fight till all dead” type of battle because those 42 tanks you lost taking a sand hill are not coming back.

The last hurdle will be implemented by Sunday this week, the problem is time.

In other words a battle starts and 15 minutes of CM passes so 100 tanks cannot enter from an area 4 hours away from the battle map.

I am thinking of handling that by using the hexagon map scale as time (hours) and am able to tell who entered the hexagon battle area at what time. Therefore, I can move both forces to a setup area within ten game turns of each other without them having to transgress over a 2-mile area to fight.
I do not want to slow the large map game by waiting for the hexagon map battle to complete. However, a Commander needs to know the results of a battle before he moves forces. I am working on a proximity time decompression solution. It will be worked out very soon.

Two Commanders fighting with exact historical forces. Not set battles but battles and forces they pick. The Battlefield Coordinator (me) has the hard job.

Phase one of the 4 phase Gazala battle will be ready by the end of the month.

Everyone here that posted can be an Officer of one of the two Commanders.

It works and adds a new degree of fun.

Cobalt ... Clay Massi
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